LOHI LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE PRESENTS: THE WAY OUT - Please join us for this Domestic Violence Awareness Event
Entertainment: Sarah Christine, Aaron Hart, Pedro Meyer
Huge thanks to the many sponsors of the event!
About: Join us Friday, 9/25, from 5:30-9pm at Attimo Winery in Denver, CO for a Domestic Violence Awareness event. Live auction starts at 7pm, with 100% of proceeds going to The Family Tree @thefamilytreeinc . Live Music by Sarah Christine, Aaron Hart and Pedro Meyer. CALL TO RESERVE YOUR SPACE at (720)287-4988 or go to www.attimowine.com . Thank you to all entertainment sponsors and @christinamariesmantra for helping with promotion! Donations appreciated to benefit The Family Tree.
If you or anyone you know is working through domestic violence, or have been affected by, there could not be a more important event in Denver. We look forward to seeing you!